Digital Excellence

Transform Your Ideas into Powerful Solutions

We Don't Just Follow Trends, We Set Them: Cutting-Edge Digital Solutions for Your Websites, Apps, Marketing & More

Empowerment Empowerment



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144 Reviews

Client Star Partners & Clients

We Are
Your Digital Transformation Partner

In the software industry, Strivemindz is known as one of the leading companies for full stack development. Our full-stack web and mobile app developers incorporate over a decade of experience in building solutions that meet market needs, empower brands and encourage growth. With Strivemindz, you can gain access to the most effective IT solutions. We use cutting-edge technologies and next-generational AI-Enabled frameworks for building mobile applications/websites by incorporating all the functionalities, extensions, APIs, etc. So, whether your business is at the start-up stage, SME or whether your business belongs to the MNCs – we can craft and deliver a personalized result-oriented solution at your service. For the last 10 Year's, we have been continually accomplishing new heights in our specialization related to full-service, hybrid development, coding, UX/UI design, AI-Enabled frameworks, programming languages, etc.

About Company
  • 10+Year's of Industry EXPERIENCE
  • 1000+ Completed Projects
  • 100+ Employees

Technologies We Root For

Your Business Partners to Navigate the Digital Landscape with Latest Technology

Our Showcase

We are what our projects define us. Let our projects speak about our expertise.

Hire Dedicated Developers

An Award-winning company for IT solutions waiting for your hand to take you to successful heights.

Helping Businesses in All Industries

It's not you who build a business, it's your customers. The key to your business' success is to help your customers.

What Our Client Says

Tanmay Sharma

Head of Operations, Travel Company

Project summary:

Strivemindz provided mobile app development services for a travel company. In order to align two internal teams, their five-person team built an app using React Native, PHP, and MySQL.

  • Industry & Location Leisure, Travel & Tourism
    Jaipur, India

Justin Coleman

CEO 4UCompany

Project summary:

Strivemindz provided mobile app services for a B2C company. They also did mapping out, testing, adjustments, and redevelopment.

  • Industry & Location Arts, Entertainment & Music
    Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Simon Mellamphy

Co-Founder & CEO, Ceem Partnering Limited

Project summary:

After going through consultation and documentation stages, Strivemindz served as an outsourced development partner. The team worked on the business' platform.

  • Industry & Location Personalized Videos
    United Kingdom

Monica Curiel

Owner & President, Designer Direct LLC

Project summary:

Strivemindz was hired by a wholesale furniture showroom to revamp their outdated website. They had virtual meetings where they discussed the requirements, and the vendor provided several options for the client.

  • Industry & Location Design
    Tempe, Arizona

Liviu-Vasile Toma


Project summary:

Strivemindz developed a website for a printing company. They helped launch a platform that would provide easy access to its viewers.

  • Industry & Location Business services
    Bucharest, Romania

Coopen Kiven

CEO, Trendy Charming Ltd

Project summary:

Strivemindz was hired by a fashion retailer to develop an app that can be used to generate their revenues and increase their conversion rate.

  • Industry & Location E-commerce

Arun Pratap Singh

Founder, Get Together Finance

Project summary:

Strivemindz has developed and designed a financial education center's website, including an admin panel. They've also built an Android application and are currently working on the iOS version.

  • Industry & Location Financial services
    Jaipur, India

Saumya Dubey

Founder, Eclpse

Project summary:

Strivemindz was hired by a reward app to update their app's UI/UX design. They were tasked with updating the client's app, enhancing the UI, and integrating new reward options using Kotlin, Laravel, and PHP.

  • Industry & Location Financial services

Ross Clarence

Director, Design & Marketing Company

Project summary:

Strivemindz provided web development services for a design and marketing company. They executed projects using WordPress, HTML, and Shopify, iterating based on the client’s feedback.

  • Industry & Location Design

Daniel Lynn

CEO, Satisapption

Project summary:

A law firm engaged with Strivemindz for web and mobile app development services. The team is composed of a project manager, designer, web developer, Android and iOS developers, and business & quality analysts.

  • Industry & Location Legal Firm
    Sydney, Australia

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Shopify Partner

Our company helps new merchants get started with Shopify and offers eCommerce solutions that help them market, sell, and manage their businesses.


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