Home Blog How to Develop Fantasy Sports Application like Dream11? | Fantasy Sports App Key Features & Cost in 2023

How to Develop Fantasy Sports Application like Dream11? | Fantasy Sports App Key Features & Cost in 2023

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Develop Fanatsy Sports Application Like Dream 11


We will discuss how to use a fantasy sports app, and how to develop a fantasy sports app like Dream11.

Sports are a great source of entertainment and relaxation for most of us, we consume different sports to take a break from our daily hustle.

  • Almost everyone has a favourite sport – for example: if someone lives for the thrill of football, then someone is exhilarated by a passion for cricket. And this frenzy of sports has created a lucrative business potential for fantasy sports apps like Dream11.
  • For sports enthusiasts who also enjoy playing games on their smartphones or other mobile devices, fantasy sports apps have done the impossible to join the real sports world with virtual challenges.

So what makes these apps so popular, and how do you build your own fantasy sports app like Dream11? In this article, we will guide you through all the necessary information regarding fantasy sports app development.

What is Dream11

What is Dream11?

There are multiple types of fantasy sports apps in the market which people use. But in this piece, we’ll pay special attention to programmes like Dream11.

  • It is a unique kind of mobile application in which users can join virtual contests where they have to select players from real sports, form a team, and compete with other users.
  • The performance of the users depends on how the players they selected are performing in the real world.
  • It is to be noted that these fantasy contests are always based on real games and matches. If your selected players perform well statistically in that real-life match, then your fantasy team will be competing strongly as well.

Dream11 allows its users to choose from several sports, which include football, cricket, basketball, baseball, kabaddi, hockey, handball, volleyball and so on. Although cricket is the most popular sport on this app, the other sports get their fair share of coverage as well.

On top of this, numerous tournaments across these sports are covered in the app, which provides users with the opportunity to take part in thousands of matches according to their preferences.

How to use a fantasy sports app like Dream11

How to Use a Fantasy Sports App Like Dream11?

Using a fantasy sports app like Dream11 is quite easy. Follow the undermentioned steps in order to understand how to use the Dream11 app.

  • Download & Install
  • Sign Up & Create an Account
  • Select Match
  • Form a Team
  • Select Captain & Vice Captain
  • Form Multiple Teams (Optional)
  • Join a Contest

Download & Install

In order to play in Dream11, you need to have the mobile app installed on your smartphone. Install the app on your smartphone after downloading it from the App Store or Google Play Store.

Sign Up & Create an Account

Once you have installed the app on your mobile, you will need to create an account. Use your social media profiles or your email address to create an account on the Dream11 app. You need to fill in the details, update your contact number, and verify using an OTP to create an account on the app.

Select a Match

Once you have verified your account, you can start playing fantasy sports on Dream11. Choose your favourite sport, and select an upcoming match to start your Dream11 journey.

Form a Team

After you choose the match of your preferred sports, you need to form a team. The team must consist of players from both sides that are playing the match, and there is an upper limit for selecting players from one particular side. You will have 100 credit points, and your team must be formed inside this budget. You can check the detailed information on how the players have performed in their previous games. If you want to win a contest, then you must form a team that has high-potential performers.

The number of players that you can choose from each position is also mentioned. Suppose you have decided to play fantasy cricket on Dream11.

In this scenario, your team must have the following set of players –

  • Wicketkeeper (1)
  • Batsmen (3 – 5)
  • Bowlers (3 – 5)
  • All-rounders (3 – 5)

However, if you’re playing fantasy football, your team must include the players listed below:

  • Goalkeeper (1)
  • Defenders (3 – 5)
  • Midfielders (3 – 5)
  • Forwards (1 – 3)

Select Captain & Vice Captain

Once you have formed a team that fulfills all the aforementioned criteria, you need to select a captain and a vice-captain for your team. Once the match starts, you will earn 2X points for your captain and 1.5X points for your vice-captain. Thus, you have to be extremely careful while choosing your team leaders, as this will have a great impact on your final score.

Form Multiple Teams (Optional)

In some contests, you will be able to enter with more than one team. This helps significantly with improving your chances of being in winning positions. You can follow the last two steps in order to create multiple teams if you so desire.

Join a Contest

Once you have your teams, you are set to go. Join a contest that you feel suits your requirements and start playing fantasy sports on the Dream11 app.

Business/Revenue Model of Dream11 (and Similar Fantasy Sports Apps)

If you want to develop your own fantasy sports app like Dream11, then you must understand how they have managed their stream of revenue so efficiently and have grown their business multiple-folds over the years.

Business revenue model of Dream11

The trick they use is simple yet efficient, and you can use the same strategy for your fantasy sports app.

At present, Dream11 allows its users to join two different types of contests – free and paid. The free contests, as the name suggests, are free to join, and users do not get cash rewards for playing such contests.

  • The paid contests, however, have cash rewards of different ranges. Users have to pay a certain amount of money to join these paid contests, and if they remain in winning positions once the match is over, they receive a significant cash reward.
  • For these paid contests, Dream11 collects 20% of the money as a service charge, and the rest of the 80% is distributed among the winners of the contest.

Let us understand this with an example- for example: Suppose, there is a contest with a head count of 10, meaning ten players can join the contest. If the price to enter this contest is Rs. 20, then the total amount adds up to Rs. 2000. Dream11 will collect 20% of this, ie. Rs. 400 as service charge. The remaining amount, ie. Rs. 1600 will be in the prize pool and will be distributed to the winners once the match ends.

  • Paid subscriptions and in-app advertisements can also be good sources of revenue for fantasy sports apps.
  • You can offer discounts and premium features to your users against a fixed subscription charge. You can also invite other brands to promote their products and services on your app through in-app advertisements if you want an extra source of money.
  • Although Dream11 rejected this in-app advertisement model for providing a better in-app experience to their users, you can still opt for this revenue model in your beginning days.
  • Requesting donations or external investments can also be a great source of cash inflow for your fantasy sports app, especially while you are growing.

Apart from this, you can search for the best fantasy app development company for creating your own application.

Key Features to Include in Your Fantasy Sports App

User Panel

Your fantasy sports app needs to be a feature-heavy engaging mobile application in order to gain popularity among your user base. A fantasy sports app should have two separate panels of features – The user Panel and the Admin Panel.

User Panel

  • Sign up & login: The sign-up and login feature allows the users to create new accounts on your fantasy sports app or to access their previously created accounts. They can sign up by filling out the necessary details and verifying their contact information. They have two options for logging in: they can use their username, password, and/or OTP verification.
  • Profile settings: By using this feature, users can update their profiles, and fulfill their KYC verification as well. KYC verification is necessary for withdrawing the money once they win cash rewards.
  • Contests: Check for upcoming contests or follow the live contests through this feature. You have two options: either you create your contest and invite your friends to take part, or you enter an already established, paid contest.
  • Create a team: This feature allows users to create a fantasy team of their choice to participate in the contests. The details on how to create a fantasy team have been shared in previous sections of this article.
  • Check match/contest/player stats: Your users must be able to track the statistics of the match and the contests. They should also be able to follow the stats of their chosen players. Users can check the live rating of the players as well as their live scores and rank in the contests they are participating in.
  • Payment modes: Allow your users to pay using a card, net banking, or through UPI payment apps in order to join paid contests. Users can send money to their in-app wallet via these payment options and then use the stored cash to join paid contests.
  • Withdraw money: Your users should have a safe and convenient way to withdraw money from their in-app wallet to their bank accounts.
  • Transactions: In the transactions feature, users can check how much money they have stored in their in-app wallet, how much money they have used for joining contests, how much money they have won, and how much money they have withdrawn from their wallets.
  • Subscription: Offer subscription models to your users with premium features or discounts.
  • Push notifications: Notify your users about upcoming or live matches, contests, revealed line-ups of a match, and their ranking in the contests by sending push notifications.

These are the primary features that you must include in the user panel of your fantasy sports app. Other than these, you can have additional features, such as live match commentary, group chats, social media sharing, etc.

If your fantasy application do not hold any of the above features then you can search for the best app development services.

Admin Panel

Admin panel

  • Admin login: Using this functionality, your admin can access the app by logging in with the necessary credentials, such as their Admin ID and password.
  • Track and manage users: This feature helps the admin maintain a database of the users and track their activities on the app.
  • Manage contests: This feature allows the admin to manage upcoming or live matches as well as upcoming or live contests.
  • Manage payments: The admin can use this feature to check the details of all the payments made within your app. This includes both sending money to the in-app wallet and making withdrawals.
  • Fantasy points management: The admin can check the real-time stats of the players and manage the fantasy points system. They can also manage the results of the contests through this feature.
  • Analytics: The analytics feature helps the admin with tracking all the necessary insights regarding the users, contests, and games. This feature provides the admin with detailed information on the performance of the app and areas of improvement.

The Team Required to Develop Your Own Fantasy Sports App

To create a fantasy sports app, you must hire a mobile app development company like Strivemindz. The development company will then assign you a team for the completion of your project. The team required to develop a fantasy sports app like Dream11 should have –

  • A project manager
  • UX / UI designers
  • Android developers
  • iOS developers
  • Back-end developers
  • Quality assurance manager

Develop Fantasy Sports Application like Dream11

The Technology Required to Develop a Fantasy Sports App

 For developing any mobile app, you must pick the right tools and technology, or else your app will not be able to function properly. Here is a list of the tools and technology that you will need to develop your fantasy sports app

  • Front-end development: Jquery, AngularJS, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, Bootstrap
  • Android development: Kotlin
  • iOS development: Swift
  • Back-end development: NodeJS
  • Database: MongoDB, MySQL, Hbase, Cassandra, PostgreSQL
  • Cloud: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Salesforce
  • Payment integration: Braintree, PayPal, Stripe, E-wallets, E-banking
  • Sports API: Goalserve, Cricket API, Rapidapi.com, Sportsmonks, Cricinfo
  • Real-time analytics: Hadoop, Spark, BigData, Apache Flink, Cisco, IBM, Azure Stream Analytics.
  • Push notifications: Google Cloud Messaging, Apple push notifications, Twilio, Push.IO, Amazon SNS, Adpush

How Much is The Development Cost of Creating a Fantasy Application?

To calculate the cost of developing there are several factors that must be taken into account. Here are a few of them.

  • Size of the team involved in the project
  • Application platform
  • Number of features and complexity of the app
  • Design (UX / UI components)
  • Time required to finish the project
  • Area of development

Given all of these considerations, you can anticipate spending between $10,000 and $20,000 on the creation of your own fantasy sports app. However, this is an average cost, and the actual cost of the project can vary. Contact your app development agency to get their quote on your fantasy sports app development project.

To develop a fantasy application at a limited cost – you can search for top mobile app developers.

Why Choose Strivemindz As Your Fantasy Sports App Development Company?

Strivemindzs is a leading antasy sports App development company.  We focus on adding innovative features to fantasy applications so that you can accomplish the expectations of your targeted audiences. We include key features – such as: fantasy points control, the function for managing leagues, real-time analytics, live streaming, etc.

While creating a fantasy application, we make sure the application should be user-friendly and it should be bug-free. Our technicians conduct 6 levels of internal testing to check the reliability and status of the application.  We make sure that your application should be run smoothly even after getting lots of traffic on your application.

Unlike our competitors, we spend an ample amount of time in these key areas such as: integrations of the application, security protocol measures, user engagement, payment methods, user-generated content, etc.

We not only focus on making our clients satisfied but we also make sure that our clients should be able to deliver different values to their customers.

So, connect with our project managers to share your requirements. We believe in designing result-oriented applications so that you can fascinate your targeted audiences in an effective way. We are awarded as the best company for fantasy application development. You can check our portfolio to know our working approach.

The Final Words

Fantasy sports apps are in vogue now due to the exciting proposition they are bringing to the table. Users can not only enjoy the fun of playing fantasy sports on these apps, but they can earn money by winning the contests. It is a great time to start your own fantasy sports app.

Strivemindz is a reputed mobile app development agency in India, the UK, and the USA. Having been in the mobile app development industry for more than a decade, we have unparalleled expertise. We have mobile app developers for hire who are ready to serve international markets through their expertise and result-oriented performance. We understand the business needs of our clients and work together as a partner to build strong projects that open up a world of financial opportunities. Contact us now, and let your project begin!




What are the key points to consider while developing the business model of fantasy-based applications?

Step 1: search for the key competitors and analyze their mobile application designs and functionality. For example: analyze your competitor’s service page design, the credibility of their application, key features, etc.
Step 2: select the optimum technology framework or platform on which you want to develop your fantasy application. For example: whether you want to develop your application on react.js, node.js, etc.
Step 3: if you face challenges in selecting the specific framework/platform then you can search for the best mobile application development company.
Step 4: Once, your application is developed then you need to conduct the right monetization models.
Step 5: You need to consistently conduct a data analytical review of all your business data to identify trends and customer patterns.

How much cost needs to be incurred for developing the fantasy application?

For creating fantasy applications with all the features and for multiple platforms you need to invest around $10,000 to $20,000. Although, your team will need to consistently monitor the application to identify all the bugs/errors.

How will the traffic on my application affect my maintenance costs?

Your team members will need to input the additional efforts to figure out bugs or application errors. However, you can make a contract with any reputed mobile development company to handle all the IT-related issues in your application.

What are the key important points to make the fantasy application?

1. Fast reloading time for the application.
2. Optimum data protection settings.
3. You need to add different built-in integrations.
4. User support feature so that customer can clear their queries and mark their complaints.

Key drivers to build a successful mobile application?

1. Select your product strategy.
2. Design your mobile app architecture.
3. User experience design.
4. Select your marketing strategy.

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