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Agritech Mobile App Development in 2023 – Cost & Key Features

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Agritech Mobile App Development in 2023

With the emergence of smartphones and various digital technology and services, almost every sector is benefiting hugely through mobile apps. For professionals across different fields of work, mobile apps and softwares have made almost everyone’s jobs a little easier. Following this trend, even the agriculture industry is integrating different applications, software, and tech gadgets into their field of work. Today, it is projected that the market cap for “smart agriculture” is going to increase up to 14.44 billion USD within 2027.
If you are looking for an opportunity to tap into this growing market by having an agritech app of your own, then you have come to the right place. Here at Strivemindz, we want to accompany you on your journey towards building an agritech app of your own. So buckle yourself up, and let us explore the possibilities and the cost of developing modern-age Agritech mobile apps.

What Makes the Agritech Sector a Lucrative Business Proposition?

In the present world, every industry thrives on efficiency and innovation. The “Smart technology” is nothing but equipment that helps people do their work in a quicker, safer, and error-free manner.

Agritech does exactly this. Mobile apps designed for the farming industry try to propose solutions to problems that traditional farming could not. It helps farmers by equipping them with better and more efficient farming methods, and by providing them with a bunch of technological tools that can make their job easier.

According to Zion, the market for smart agriculture is growing and is supposed to rise up to 15 billion USD by 2025, compared to the $5 billion market cap in 2017. This is quite obviously the logical conclusion that any of us can draw without having to go through detailed reports. Consider this – the global population is on the rise, and an increasing population always demands an increase in food production. Smart agritech apps are already being used in countries like the USA and Canada and they are a huge success. If we think about countries where agriculture is a key part of their economy, like India, Agritech apps are destined to be a major success, and a major driver towards the next big thing in farming. So, now that we have a better idea of how and why should we think about developing agritech mobile apps, it is time we look at how to build an Agritech app, and what are the key features that can make your Agritech app stand out from the rest.
Developing agritech mobile apps
Source: dribbble

Developing Agritech Mobile Apps: What are the Key Features?

If you want to invest in the agritech industry, then these following features can be useful for your app –

  • GPS and other location based services
  • Weather forecasting
  • Integration of drones
  • Camera and machine vision integration
  • Chatting with farming consultants
  • Video call and video streaming
  • Farming calendar
  • In-app payment module
  • Analytics
  • Push notifications

GPS and other location-based services

Enabling location-based services in your Agritech mobile app will help farmers to track their field, and have a better understanding of the topology. More than that, they will be able to check a map of their field and mark their field into polygonal shapes as they see fit. GPS services can also help farmers to locate the nearest spots where they can find the best farming equipments.

Weather forecasting

Integration of weather forecasting services is actually closely related to GPS integration. Even with all the help from the modern day solutions, farmers still need favorable weather conditions for the growth of their crops. If they are not aware of the weather conditions, they might not be able to take maximum precautions for protecting their farm against severe weather conditions. A good agritech app should update the farmers about their local weather, and they should also have special alerts for upcoming weather conditions such as storms or heavy rains.

Integration of drones

Instead of scanning the field physically in order to find damaged or pest infested crops, farmers can use drones for scanning the field. Drones come equipped with a thermal camera which can also help the farmers to detect water leakage or other problems in the fields. In fact, drones can also be upgraded for watering the field or for spraying pesticides – although these ultra high tech drones will only increase the cost of the agritech app.

Camera and machine vision integration

If we asked you about what is the biggest problem for farmers, then most of you would agree that it is the crop diseases. Crop diseases can damage your entire farm if not treated early on, and the agritech app should be able to solve this problem for you. Camera and machine vision integration is a very helpful feature for agritech apps, as it will help farmers to detect crop diseases, weed growths, nitrogen levels, etc.

Chatting with farming consultants

Sometimes, only identifying the problem is not enough, and farmers will need help from experts to take care of their crop. By providing them with an option to chat with farming consultants and experts via your app, you not only save them a huge amount of time, but also provide them with a quick and cheaper alternative. You can also integrate chatbots in your app for this process, although they might not always be 100% effective.

Video call and video streaming

Video calls, video streaming, and broadcasting features will help farmers capture videos of the affected parts of their fields and show them to the experts for help. The video call feature takes this up a notch, and farmers can show the consultants right where the problem is and answer their questions for a better communication process.

Farming calendar

Keeping track of the calendar is very important for farmers, as farming is a time-sensitive job. Farmers need to know when to sow seeds, when to water the fields when to harvest and so on. A farming calendar where they can mark their daily activities is a very helpful resource for them in this process.

In-app payment module

You can create an Agritech app that will act as a marketplace for the farmers where they can buy or rent farming tools, and/or sell their crops. For the transactions to go swiftly, in-app payment modules will be required for your app.


Analytics provide in-depth insight to farmers regarding everything that can be tracked through the agritech app. They can receive information and reports on the health of their crop, manage the farm, keep track of payments made for purchases or rents through the app, manage their expenses, and so on.

Push notifications

Last but not least, the app should be able to send all the necessary alerts and messages to the farmer through push notifications to keep them informed about everything. The notifications also help you as an app owner to keep your audience engaged with your app.

How to Develop Your Agritech Mobile App in 2023?

To develop an agritech mobile app, you will need to go through the undermentioned steps accordingly –

  • Structuring and ideation of your plans
  • Studying the market
  • Building the wireframe
  • Selecting the right platform
  • UI / UX design
  • Developing and testing the app
  • Launching the app
  • Support and maintenance

Structuring and ideation of your plans

To build your agritech app is to give your plans a proper structure. Having an idea is not enough unless it can turn into a full-proof plan. At Strivemindz, we can help you throughout the process of structuring your plan. Before you jump into the process, you need to have the answers to different questions ready. Check for the following points during the ideation of your plans –

  • The main target of your app
  • The USP of your app
  • Your potential or existing competitors
  • Generating a stream of revenue through your app
  • Branding your app
  • Marketing your app

Studying the market

Once you have built the plan for starting the development of your agritech app, now it is time for you to study the market. Even the best of ideas can fail if it does not target the right audience. Study the market sentiments, and your target consumers for having a positive revenue through your app. You also need to check for the market cap, potential ways of monetising your app, and potential investors.

Building the wireframe

Wireframes are basically the blueprints for your apps. Before you start developing your agritech application, building the wireframe is extremely necessary so that no important details or changes are left out. At Strivemindz, our experienced and expert mobile app developers will build the wireframe for your agritech mobile app as efficiently as possible so that you will have no complaints during the development phase.
Agritech app Development

Selecting the right platform

Once the wireframe is ready, determine where you want to launch the app. Do you want it to be available as a PWA, or do you want to Launch on the Google Play Store? Which programming language will be the best for your project? If you are confused by reading this, let us assure you that you do not need to worry. By hiring Strivemindz as your mobile app development partner, you can leave all the technical questions for us to answer, while your dream of having an Agritech app is being turned into reality.

UI / UX design

The UI / UX design determines how innovative and engaging your app appears to be in front of your users. The top skilled UI / UX designers of Strivemindz will deliver you some of the most engaging and interesting user interface for giving your customers a positive experience.

Developing and testing the app

Once you have gone through all these aforementioned steps, then you can finally start developing your app. Strivemindz will be able to build an exciting agritech mobile app your you in a jiffy. Once you have the app ready, test it a few times to check if it runs properly and to identify potential bugs and errors. Once the errors are fixed, your app will be ready to launch.

Launching the app

You can launch your app in the market after the testing is completed & the QA manager says that the app is now okay to be made available in the market. Do your branding properly to catch the market by its neck as soon as you launch and you will not have to worry about revenues.

Support and maintenance

Your app can encounter bugs and errors in the future, and your app development solution provider needs to help you through that. Strivemindz offers 24/7 support and maintenance for your app, so that any error you find can be fixed as soon as possible and your users do not have to face any inconvenience.

How much will it cost to develop an agritech mobile app?

The overall cost of building your agritech mobile app will depend on the undermentioned factors –

  • The list or number of features you want to integrate into your app
  • The tech stack
  • The platform where you are launching your app
  • The app size
  • In which region you are developing your app

On average, the overall cost will range from anywhere between $50,000 to $110,000 depending on the aforementioned factors.
Are you not satisfied with the cost of your Agritech app development project? Do you think somewhere budget cuts can be made? Do you want a more affordable solution? At Strivemindz, we take pride in offering our clients one of the most affordable app development solutions, where you will not have to spend beyond your budget unnecessarily. You can get all the features that you want, and pay significantly less by trusting us with your project.


Developing an Agritech mobile app is a great business proposition today, and if you have an idea, you should try to turn it into reality. At Strivemindz, we house some of the most skilled and experienced mobile app developers in the world, who can deliver your projects efficiently and within the deadline.

We have more than a decade of experience in the field and have worked on over a thousand projects. Contact us today and get a quote!

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