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Diet Planner App Development: Cost and Key Features

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Diet Planner App Development:

“whats you eat” – this is a common phrase that many of us use. When you think about it, what you eat determines your calorie intake and your calorie intake determines how healthy you are. An unhealthy food habit can cause damage to your health and fitness.

Thus, it is important to keep track of what you are putting in your body. And this is not just what we claim – even consumers today are becoming more and more aware of the importance of knowing and planning their diet. This is why the market for diet and nutrition planner apps is growing exponentially these days.

If you were thinking of creating a diet planner app of your own, then this is exactly the right time for you to start your venture. So without further ado, let us take a deeper look at the process of developing your diet planner mobile application and how much it will development cost you to create the diet planner app.

Our article will cover all the basics of diet planning and nutrition app development as well as the must-have features and tools you need to create a successful food and nutrition tracker.

Diet and Nutrition Apps Market: Stats and Trends

The diet and nutrition apps market is experiencing significant growth, driven by several factors:

Market Size and Growth:

  • The global market size was estimated at USD 310.8 million in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 938.6 million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 17.2% [1].
  • Some estimates suggest an even larger market size, with Data Bridge Market Research predicting a value of USD 35,348.59 million by 2030, with a CAGR of 17.61% [2].

Growth Drivers:

  • Rising health consciousness: People are increasingly focusing on their health and well-being, leading them to adopt various tools for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including diet and nutrition apps.
  • Increased smartphone penetration: The widespread use of smartphones provides a convenient platform for accessing and using diet and nutrition apps.
  • Growing demand for health assessment and personalized guidance: These apps offer features like calorie tracking, personalized meal plans, and access to nutritionists, catering to individuals with specific health goals and needs.

The market is expected to see continued growth due to advancements in scientific nutrition and the development of more sophisticated features within the apps.

Freemium models with in-app purchases are a popular strategy, allowing users to access basic features for free and pay for premium features like personalized coaching or detailed nutritional analysis.

It’s important to note that these are just a few key statistics and trends. For a more comprehensive understanding of the market, it’s recommended to consult market research reports from various reputable sources.

How Does a Diet Planner App Help Users?

A diet planner app is extremely helpful for Gen-Z people and millennials as it helps them keep their food habits and fitness routines on track even through a busy schedule. A diet planner app can help users in multifarious ways, which include –

Diet planner apps offer a variety of features that can help users achieve their health and wellness goals in several ways:

1. Setting and Tracking Goals:

  • Users can specify their desired weight, dietary needs, and activity levels, allowing the app to personalize meal plans and track progress towards their goals.
  • This helps users stay motivated by providing a clear roadmap and allowing them to see their progress over time.

2. Planning and Preparing Meals:

  • Many apps offer features such as recipe suggestions, grocery list generation, and integration with online grocery stores, simplifying meal planning and shopping.
  • This saves users time and reduces the stress associated with planning and preparing healthy meals.

3. Tracking and Monitoring Intake:

  • Users can log their food and beverage intake, track calories and nutrients consumed, and monitor their water intake.
  • This helps users develop awareness of their eating habits and identify areas for improvement.

4. Additional Support and Guidance:

  • Some apps offer features like educational resources on nutrition, personalized coaching, and community forums for support and motivation.
  • This provides users with additional tools and resources to stay on track and achieve their goals.

Overall, diet planner apps can help users in various ways, from setting and tracking goals to planning meals, monitoring intake, and receiving additional support. However, it’s important to remember that these apps are not a one-size-fits-all solution and should not be used as a substitute for professional guidance from registered dietitians or healthcare providers.

On top of this, some diet planner apps also help users plan a thorough exercise routine and track daily activities to stay fit and healthy.

Diet Planner App Development in 2022


How Does a Diet Planner App Development Function?

Diet planner app development involves various steps and functionalities working together to deliver a user-friendly experience. Here’s a breakdown of the key aspects:

1. Data Collection and Analysis:

  • The app initially gathers user data through forms or questionnaires. This can include information like:
    • Age, weight, height, and activity level.
    • Dietary preferences (e.g., vegetarian, vegan, allergies).
    • Health goals (e.g., weight loss, muscle gain, manage a specific condition).
  • This data is then analyzed to personalize the experience for each user.

2. Goal Setting and Meal Planning Features:

  • Based on the user’s data, the app helps them set realistic goals and develop personalized meal plans. This may involve:
    • Calorie and nutrient targets: The app calculates daily calorie and macronutrient (carbs, protein, fat) needs based on individual factors.
    • Meal suggestions: The app recommends recipes or food options that fit the user’s dietary preferences, goals, and calorie/nutrient targets.
    • Grocery list creation: The app generates a shopping list based on the chosen recipes, simplifying meal preparation.

3. Tracking and Monitoring:

  • Users can log their meals and snacks within the app, often by searching for specific food items or scanning barcodes.
  • The app tracks and analyzes the user’s intake, providing insights such as:
    • Total calories and nutrient consumption compared to their goals.
    • Breakdown of macronutrients and micronutrients consumed.
    • Progress visualization: Users can see graphs or charts depicting their progress toward their goals over time.

4. Additional Features and Functionality:

  • Many apps offer additional features to enhance user experience and engagement, such as:
    • Educational resources: Providing information on healthy eating habits, specific dietary needs, and nutritional value of different foods.
    • Community forums: Allowing users to connect with others on similar journeys, share experiences, and offer support.
    • Integration with fitness trackers: Synchronizing with fitness trackers to import exercise data and provide a more holistic view of health and progress.

5. User Interface and Experience (UI/UX) Design:

  • user-friendly interface is crucial for navigation, information display, and data input.
  • The app should be intuitive and easy to use, with clear instructions, visual aids, and smooth functionality.

Developing a successful diet planner app requires careful consideration of these various aspects to provide a valuable tool for users and ensure a positive impact on their health and well-being.

How to Monetise Your Diet Planner App Development?

Here are several popular options for monetizing your diet planner app development:

1. Freemium Model:

  • This is the most common approach, offering a basic version for free with limited features.
  • Users can then upgrade to a premium version for additional functionalities like:
    • Personalized meal plans with more options and flexibility.
    • Advanced tracking features like detailed nutritional analysis.
    • Access to exclusive recipes, educational content, or interactive challenges.
  • This model allows users to try the app before committing to a paid subscription, while generating revenue from those seeking a more comprehensive experience.

2. In-App Purchases:

  • This involves offering specific features or add-ons within the free version that users can purchase individually.
  • Examples include:
    • Purchasing specific recipe collections based on dietary needs or preferences.
    • Unlocking access to a personalized coaching session with a registered dietitian.
    • **Purchasing additional data storage or tracking capabilities.

3. Subscription Model:

  • Users pay a recurring fee (monthly, yearly) to access the full range of features within the app.
  • This can be a good option for apps offering ongoing services like:
    • Personalized coaching and support from nutritionists or health professionals.
    • Regularly updated meal plans and recipe collections.
    • **Access to exclusive content and community forums.

4. In-App Advertising:

  • This involves displaying non-intrusive ads within the app, generating revenue each time a user sees or clicks on the ad.
  • Careful implementation is crucial to avoid disrupting the user experience. Consider:
    • Native advertising: Ads that blend seamlessly with the app’s design.
    • Reward-based advertising: Users watch ads in exchange for in-app rewards like unlocking features or virtual currency.

5. E-commerce Integration:

  • Partner with healthy food or meal delivery services, offering users the option to purchase pre-portioned meals directly through the app.
  • This can be beneficial for users seeking convenience and ensuring they stay on track with their dietary goals.

Choosing the best monetization strategy depends on several factors, including:

  • Target audience and their preferences.
  • Features and value proposition of your app.
  • Market competition and pricing trends.

It’s important to experiment and analyze user data to determine the most effective approach for maximizing revenue and user engagement.

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Must-Have Features That You Must Include in Your Diet Planner App

Most diet planner apps have two separate panels for users and admin. These two panels offer different sets of features

User Panel Features for Your Diet Planner App:

The user panel of diet planner apps should have the following features –

1. User Profile and Goal Setting:

  • Create and manage personal profile: Allow users to add basic information like age, weight, height, activity level, and dietary preferences.
  • Set personalized goals: Users should be able to set specific and achievable goals related to weight management, muscle gain, or managing health conditions.
  • Calculate daily needs: The app should automatically calculate daily calorie and macronutrient (carbs, protein, fat) requirements based on individual factors.

2. Food and Intake Tracking:

  • Log meals and snacks: Provide convenient ways to log food intake, including searching for items, scanning barcodes, and creating custom entries.
  • Track nutrients and progress: The app should track and analyze consumed calories and nutrients compared to daily goals.
  • Monitor water intake: Allow users to track their water consumption throughout the day.
  • Visualize progress: Offer graphs or charts to visually represent progress towards goals, motivating users to stay on track.

3. Meal Planning and Recipe Suggestions:

  • Personalized meal plans: Generate meal plans based on user preferences, dietary restrictions, and calorie/nutrient targets.
  • Recipe suggestions: Offer a variety of healthy and delicious recipes with options to filter by dietary needs, taste preferences, and cooking time.
  • Save and customize recipes: Allow users to save and personalize favorite recipes for easy access and future use.
  • Grocery list generation: Generate automatic grocery lists based on chosen recipes, simplifying meal preparation.

4. Progress Monitoring and Motivation:

  • Track progress over time: Provide detailed and visual representations of progress towards goals, including weight changes, calorie intake trends, and nutrient consumption.
  • Motivational features: Offer motivational messages, badges, or rewards to encourage users and promote consistency.
  • Community features (optional): Consider creating a forum or chat feature for users to connect, share experiences, and offer support to each other.

5. Additional User-Friendly Features:

  • Educational resources: Provide access to informative articles, guides, and videos on healthy eating, specific dietary needs, and the nutritional value of different foods.
  • Integrations (optional): Integrate with fitness trackers or other health and wellness apps to import data and offer a more holistic view of health.
  • Settings and preferences: Allow users to personalize settings like language, notification preferences, and units of measurement.

Remember, the focus should be on creating a user-friendly, personalized, and engaging experience that empowers users to take control of their health and achieve their dietary goals.

Admin Panel Features for Your Diet Planner App:

Here are some must-have admin panel features for your diet planner app:

1. User Management:

  • Create, edit, and delete user accounts: This allows the admin to add new users (e.g., registered dietitians) and manage existing user accounts, including deleting inactive accounts.
  • Assign user roles and permissions: Implement different user roles (e.g., admin, moderator, dietitian) with varying access levels to specific functionalities within the app.
  • Manage user subscriptions (if applicable): This includes viewing subscription details, managing cancellations, and potentially offering promotional codes.

2. Content Management:

  • Manage meal plans and recipes: Add, edit, and delete pre-defined meal plans and individual recipes within the app. This allows for maintaining an updated database and catering to diverse dietary needs.
  • Manage educational resources: Upload, edit, and manage articles, blog posts, or other educational content related to healthy eating and nutrition. This helps keep users informed and engaged.
  • Approve user-generated content (optional): If your app allows users to share recipes or contribute content, allow admins to review and approve submissions before they become publicly visible.

3. Data and Analytics:

  • Track user activity and engagement: Monitor metrics like app usage, login frequency, meal planning activity, and recipe browsing behavior. This helps understand user needs and improve the app’s features.
  • Analyze user progress: View anonymized data on user weight loss/gain, calorie intake, and goal achievement. This provides insights into the app’s effectiveness and potential areas for improvement.
  • Generate reports and download data: Allow admins to generate reports on various aspects like user engagement, recipe popularity, and overall app performance. This data can be exported for further analysis and decision-making.

4. App Management:

  • Manage push notifications: Send targeted notifications to specific user groups (e.g., reminders to log meals, new recipe suggestions). This helps keep users engaged and informed.
  • Manage app settings and configurations: Control various app functionalities like setting calorie calculation methods, enabling/disabling features, and managing integrations with third-party services.
  • Monitor app performance and troubleshoot issues: Track app uptime, identify and address technical issues, and ensure smooth operation.

5. Security and Maintenance:

  • Manage user access and permissions: Ensure authorized access to the admin panel and restrict unauthorized users, protecting sensitive data.
  • Back up and restore app data: Regularly back up app data to prevent potential data loss in case of technical issues.
  • Implement security measures: Employ robust security measures to protect user data, including secure login protocols and data encryption.

These features are crucial for managing your diet planner app effectively, ensuring a smooth user experience, and maintaining the app’s content, functionality, and security. Remember to adapt and prioritize features based on the specific needs and functionalities of your app.

Diet Planner App Development Stages

The process of creating your diet planner app is simple and easy. Strivemindz will help you at every stage of development so that your app is running and can offer a top-notch experience to your users. The process of developing a diet planner app has the following stages –

1. Planning and Ideation:

  • Define the app’s purpose and target audience: Clearly identify the problem your app aims to solve and who it will benefit.
  • Conduct market research: Analyze existing diet planner apps, understand user needs and gaps in the market, and identify opportunities for differentiation.
  • Ideate and refine app features: Brainstorm features that address user needs and create a comprehensive feature list, prioritizing essential functionalities.

2. Design and Prototyping:

  • User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design: Design a user-friendly and intuitive interface for easy navigation and interaction.
  • Develop a prototype: Create a basic, non-functional prototype to test the app’s core functionalities and user flow with potential users.
  • Gather feedback and iterate: Based on user feedback, refine the design and functionalities to ensure a positive user experience.

3. Development and Testing:

  • Technical development: Build the app’s backend functionalities and frontend user interface using appropriate programming languages and frameworks.
  • Integrations: Implement any necessary integrations with third-party services like databases, payment gateways, or fitness trackers.
  • Thorough testing: Conduct rigorous testing on various devices and operating systems to identify and fix bugs, ensuring proper app functionality and performance.

4. Launch and Deployment:

  • App store submission: Submit the app to relevant app stores (e.g., Google Play Store, Apple App Store) following their guidelines and requirements.
  • Marketing and promotion: Develop a marketing strategy to generate awareness and attract users, involving channels like social media, app store optimization, and influencer marketing.

5. Maintenance and Updates:

  • Monitor app performance: Track user engagement data, app performance metrics, and user feedback to identify areas for improvement.
  • Release regular updates: Continuously improve the app by adding new features, fixing bugs, and addressing user feedback based on data and analytics.
  • Maintain data security: Implement robust security measures to protect user data and address any potential vulnerabilities.

Strivemindz is more than happy to help you with your dream of having a diet planner app of your own. We can assemble the best team to carry forward your project, and our expertise in the field will make sure that you have a world-class diet planner app for your business. The development team that you would need for your project will include –

This is a general overview, and the specific steps within each stage may vary depending on the complexity of your app, chosen technologies, and development team structure.

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Diet Planner App in 2024?

As of 2024, the cost of developing a diet planner app can vary widely depending on several factors, making it difficult to provide a single definitive answer. Here’s a breakdown of the influencing factors and a general cost range:

Factors Affecting Cost:

  • App Complexity: Simple apps with basic features like calorie tracking and meal logging will cost less compared to complex apps with features like personalized coaching, AI-powered nutrition analysis, or social media integration.
  • Development Team: Hiring an experienced in-house development team will generally be more expensive compared to outsourcing to freelance developers or development agencies, which can offer varying rates depending on location and expertise.
  • Platform: Developing for both iOS and Android platforms will typically double the cost compared to developing for just one platform.
  • Features and Integrations: Each additional feature or integration adds to the development time and complexity, impacting the overall cost.

Cost Range:

Based on these factors, the estimated cost for developing a diet planner app in 2024 typically falls within the range of:

  • $3,800 – $91,000: This range applies to simple apps with basic features and functionalities.
  • $55,000 – $131,000: This range covers medium complexity apps with more advanced features like personalized meal plans, recipe suggestions, and basic community features.
  • $91,000 – $211,000 or more: This applies to complex apps featuring AI-powered functionalities, sophisticated integrations (e.g., with wearable devices), and a strong focus on user engagement and personalization.

Additional Considerations:

  • Ongoing costs: Beyond development, consider potential ongoing costs for app store fees, maintenance, server hosting, and marketing efforts.
  • Choosing the right team: Partnering with an experienced and reputable development team that understands your vision and target audience is crucial for building a successful app.

It’s recommended to consult with potential development partners and obtain quotes based on your specific app requirements and desired features to get a more accurate cost estimate.


You can monitor your daily intake with diet and nutrition apps. Keeping fit with these apps can help you avoid several health problems.

Today, diet and nutrition apps are highly in demand, so building one is a profitable venture. The best way to do so is to hire app developers or connect with a mobile app development company.

Nowadays, diet planner apps are extremely popular among people of all ages and the market is wide open for businesses to tap into. Start your journey as the owner of a diet planner app with the help of Strivemindz. Contact us now!

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