Home Blog How to Develop Daily Deals & Coupons Mobile Application: Development, Cost and Key Features

How to Develop Daily Deals & Coupons Mobile Application: Development, Cost and Key Features

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Coupons Mobile Application

If you are on a budget and you have to give up one activity because you have to save your money, then chances are you would give up shopping. Yes, shopping and saving money do not quite go hand in hand, do they? Well, at least this is what the common notion says about shopping.

This was indeed a pressing issue for people who were on a budget as they could not shop or avail different lifestyle services as much as they wanted to, as it would have cost them a fortune compared to their savings. However, that is not the case today. In this age of digitalisation, shopping has been made effectively cheaper by online shopping websites and applications.

With the emergence of online shopping, a new kind of strategy has taken over the market – daily deals and coupons. By using these daily deals and coupon applications, consumers can not only save up quite a lot, but they can also find multiple options to choose from. The variety of deals include almost everything from purchasing your favourite dresses to getting your nails done.

While it is extremely exciting for consumers to use daily deals and coupon mobile applications, it also makes for an exciting and lucrative business opportunity for brands. Whether you are a digital company offering mobile daily deals and coupon applications or a business selling on one of these apps, the popularity of discount applications will provide you with great business opportunities and higher revenue. So what exactly is a “daily deals and coupons application”? Let us find out!

What is a Daily Deals And Coupons Mobile Application?

Online shopping has shaped the shopping behaviour of the present generation in a significant manner. And we are not saying is only in terms of the shopping experience and easy access to a wide range of purchasable items. Online shopping websites have made the idea of lucrative discounts and deals widely popular. Every other online shopping website has been offering multiple sales, deals, and discounts to their consumers. In such times, the need for businesses to have an online marketplace where they can sell their products at a discounted price or offer their services at a lower rate is immense. On top of that, all of these deals and discounts cannot come at the cost of losing profits. The daily deals and coupon applications are offering such a marketplace to vendors where they can sell their products or offer their services at a cheaper rate. These apps are helping to create a big consumer base for these vendors, offering a unique business proposition. These daily deals and coupon applications are transforming the e-commerce space for both consumers and retailers.

Daily Deals & Discount Coupon App


Business Proposition Offered by The Daily Deals And Coupons Applications

The conceptualisation of daily deals and coupon applications has brought three unique business propositions that cater to different types of businesses. The emergence of such applications has revolutionised the business area for –

  • Companies that operate daily deals and coupon applications,
  • Companies that develop daily deals and coupon applications, and
  • Companies that sell daily deals and coupon applications

Companies That Operate Daily Deals And Coupons Applications

If you are an individual who wants to run a mobile app and make money through this application, you can try your luck in the daily deals and coupon applications. The popularity of these applications means you will have a functioning app and you will continue to generate a stream of revenue from your app.

Companies That Develop Daily Deals And Coupons Applications

Just having an idea is not enough, you still need to have the necessary expertise to develop an application. This opens up a great business opportunity for efficient mobile app development companies. If you have an idea regarding daily deals and coupon applications, you can take this idea to a tech company like Strivemindz. As a leading mobile application development company, Strivemindz can bring your ideas to fruition and develop an engaging and attractive daily deal and coupon mobile application for you!

Companies That Sell on Daily Deals And Coupons Applications

E-commerce offers a lucrative business opportunity for brick-and-mortar stores to gain a large consumer base across the globe. The emergence of daily deals and coupon applications has helped in businesses to attract more customers with discounts and coupon deals that seem too good to be true. Vendors and merchants can really take their business level up a notch with these daily deals and coupon applications.

Essential Features of Daily Deals And Coupons Applications

In a daily deals and coupons mobile application, you must include three different panels. These are –

  1. User Panel
  2. Merchant panel
  3. Admin panel

All three of these panels need some important features without which a daily deals and coupons application cannot perform optimally.

  1. User Panel

    The list of features that you must include in the user panel is given below –

  • Sign in & Registration

Whenever a customer opens your app for the first time after downloading, the signup and registration feature will help them create a profile in your app. Typically, the daily deals and coupon applications allow users to sign in or log in through several options such as their contact number, their email address, and their social media accounts such as Google, or Facebook, Instagram and so on.

  • Deals Selection

The main purpose of a daily deals and coupons application is that users can use the app to find lucrative deals on a wide range of items. With the deals selection feature, users can search for any item that they want and find different deals offered by different merchants on their desired products or services. They can also search for a specific company and look for the deals offered by that specific company in this section of the app.

  • Invite Friends

Who does not love extra discounts and coupons? The ‘invite friends’ feature in daily deals and coupons applications not only helps you tap into a larger user base, but it also helps users who were invited by their friends to find lucrative deals and offers. On top of that, most of the times, the person inviting their friends in these apps earns extra coupons or bonuses when their friends make a successful transaction in the app.

  • Favourites & Wish-list

After the users select a variety of deals, it is not required that they must use these deals at one time. This is why, the app should allow users to bookmark their favourite deals and products and save these deals in the ‘favourites’ section from where they can access the deals any time they want. However, they must use the deals before the expiry date.

  • Redeem Coupon Codes

Users should have the option to redeem the coupon codes that they received while making a suitable purchase to get extra discounts or other incentives. The users must be able to save and use these coupon codes at their convenience but within a valid timeframe.

  1. Merchant panel

Without merchants, your daily deals and coupon application would not be even functioning. You need to add the following features for businesses that want to sell on your app –

  • Add & Manage Deals

Merchants can add or remove special deals and discounts on your application with the help of the add & manage deals feature. They should have the utmost freedom while adding a discount or managing the discount. They can also add discounts in multiple sectors which can range from foods to clothing to lifestyle products to any other services that they offer.

  • Track Status

As the number of deals and discounts increases, merchants need to have a tool that helps them keep track of all the transactions that are happening. The track status feature also helps merchants determine whether or not they require a contract extension for time and goods.

  • Manage Orders

When a customer places an order, the merchants are responsible for fulfilling that order. In the manage orders section, merchants can see the pending orders and the used deals and validate these orders.

  • Mails & Notifications

Merchants can notify their customers about any upcoming deals or discounts via emails or push notifications.

  • Redeemed Coupons

In the redeemed coupons section, merchants can track and validate the coupons that were used by the customers while placing the order. This helps in maintaining transparency in the billing process.

  • Most Popular / Acquired Deals

With the help of this feature, merchants can showcase the most popular deals that were used by their customers to attract a new consumer base. The acquired deals section can help merchants offer special discounts to certain users who fulfil certain criteria (such as users who have spent a certain amount on the products offered by the merchant).

  1. Admin panel

The admin panel includes features that help you to manage different components of your app.

  • Manage Deals

The admin panel also has a manage deals feature which allows the management to keep track of all the deals offered by different merchants, the arrival of the deals, and the expiry dates.

  • Manage Coupons

Just like the manage deals feature, the manage coupons feature allows the admin to keep track of all the data regarding the coupons – both from the side of the merchants and the customers.

  • Deal Categories & Subcategories

The admin is responsible for categorising different products and keep everything neat and tidy. He is also responsible for handling transactions and to monitor order fulfillment.

  • Manage Merchants

Whenever a business wants to sell on your app, you need to be able to enlist all the necessary details about them in your app and have the option to monitor all their information and products.

  • Content Management

The admin needs to update all the necessary information and content regarding the app and its benefits such as FAQs, rules, about us and so on.

  • Promotion & Notifications

The admin needs to be able to send push notifications regarding the app, and also promote the app on social media. This feature also helps the admin to share about different deals and coupons on the official social media handles for your app.

  • User Comments

The admins need to have access to user comments and ratings and use the feedback to improve the experience for the users. They also need to address any grievances and complaints regarding any deal coupons or other issues.

How to Monetise Your Daily Deals And Coupons Application

There are two possible ways to make money out of your daily deals and coupon application.



The daily deals and coupons application offers businesses with a chance to take their product and services to a wide range of customers. Thus, the sellers need to pay the app with a certain percentage of the sales they generate through the application. The commission that you receive from sellers makes for a large part of your revenue.



If and when your app starts getting popular, you can make more money on your app through advertisements. Different companies will pay you a good amount to showcase their brand names and digital advertisements on your app.

How to Develop a Daily Deals And Coupons Mobile Application?

If you have come this deep into the article, then you might have an interest in developing a daily deals and coupons mobile application. If you have such a wish, Strivemindz is the perfect app development company for you to turn your ideas into reality. Their years of experience in the field of mobile application development will be useful for the success of your idea. Strivemindz understands your requirements and will provide you with an expert team to work on your project. The team to develop a daily deals and coupons mobile application will include –

  • UX / UI designers
  • Project manager
  • Graphic designer
  • Android developer
  • iOS developer
  • Back-end developer
  • Testing team
  • QA manager
    1. Develop Your Idea

    The first step to building your daily deals and coupons mobile application is to conceptualise. Think about what you want from your app, understand the pros and cons and make a detailed plan to begin your project.

    1. Take Your Idea to The Development Agency

    Once you have drafted your plan, take your idea to an experienced and reputed mobile app development agency such as Strivemindz. At Strivemindz, your idea will be listened to, and the expert team of developers who possess years of experience in the field will work tirelessly with you to bring your project to life.

    1. Select Specifications & Features

    Choose all the features that you want to offer on your app. You can also suggest new features that you may have thought about to our team who will then assess your demands and give you an idea regarding what will the final output be on your app. You can also choose whether you want to launch your app in Android, or iOS or both.

    1. Select the UX/UI Design & Begin The Process

    The user experience is the point of success behind all great apps. Select the UX / UI design for your app that is advised by our UX / UI designers at Strivemindz. Upon the selection of the UX / UI design, your project can finally go into the production stage.

    1. Test & Launch Your App

    The testing team of Strivemindz will test your app once it is developed and look for any possible flaws or mistakes that may have been made. After your app is okayed by the testing team and the quality assurance manager, you can launch your app on your desired date.

    1. Maintenance

    Your app is launched, but the job has just begun. You will have to maintain your app frequently to counter any issues or glitches or system errors in order to give your users the best of experiences.

Tech Stack Required For Developing a Daily Deals And Coupons Mobile Application

For the development of your daily deals and coupons application, the following tech stack will be required –

  • SMS, phone, and voice verification: Nexmo
  • Push notifications: Bandwidth, Twilio
  • Powerful programming: GWT
  • Cloud environment: AWS
  • Data management: Datastax
  • Payments: Braintree, PayPal
  • Universal operating system: Debian
  • Email management: Mandrill
  • Database: Cassandra database, HBase, MongoDB Database, Postgress, Mail Chimp Integration
  • Real-time analytics: BigData, Hadoop, IBM, Spark, Apache Flink, Cisco

Cost of Developing a Daily Deals And Coupons Mobile Application

The actual price of developing daily deals and coupon applications cannot be given through an article. Multiple factors determine the final price of your project. The price will fluctuate depending on the number of features you want to include in your app, the time that will be required to finish your project, and the team deployed to develop your app. Contact us at Strivemindz to get a detailed idea of the cost of your project.

To Sum it up

Everybody loves to make little savings and if they can save even while purchasing their favourite products and services, then imagine the satisfaction they would experience. Daily deals and coupon applications take advantage of these emotions and attract customers from all around the world who want to find exciting deals and offers on different products. Strivemindz will be more than happy to assist you in tapping into this booming business environment. Contact us now and let us move in the same direction – towards the development of your daily deals and coupons mobile application!

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